Tell us about The Busch Family and what is the reason(s) for sponsoring Hands4Hope?
We (Doug and Julie) live in Penryn, CA, about 30 minutes from the Youth Center. We have two adult sons and a daughter-in-law in the Bay Area. We are semi-retired (very active in a variety of things, but no longer tied down to a full time job). We feel very strongly that we should try to make a positive impact on the community, and that helping to form a next generation that is committed to community service is a great way to do this.
The money and time we commit to Hands4Hope has a great return to the immediate needs of people in the community, and to the future.
What has been your involvement with Hands4hope?
I got involved in Hands4Hope near the time Jennifer founded the organization. Julie and I have been friends of the Bassetts for many years, and Jennifer asked for my help organizing the Board of Directors for H4H.
What has been your experience with our organization?
Hands4Hope has a unique mission, and a unique method of engaging young people. It engages students at a very personal level, giving them the opportunity to find their own way of contributing to the community. For many, it is their first exposure to helping people outside their family. For all, it is an opportunity to learn how to work in a team to meet community needs. It’s been incredibly rewarding to see the growth in the students in the program, and to see the benefits they have created for others. Any donation of time and money to a philanthropic cause is worthwhile, but sponsorship of Hands4Hope has been exceptionally gratifying.
Anything else you would like to add.
As a Board member, I want to thank all the families who have contributed time and money to Hands4Hope, and ask for your continued support. I’d like to ask all of the families who have students in the program to consider supporting Hands4Hope with time as a volunteer adult, and with your financial support.