Thursday, September 27, 2012

Youth Volunteer Spotlight: Chieme

(Chieme is in the back on the right)

Chieme got involved with Hands4Hope after seeing her sister disappear every weekend to volunteer, and coming home to share stories about her experiences. She says working with Hands4Hope has made her realize a lot. "I love helping others and making them happy. Just to bring a smile to someone's face will make my day," she said.

Stepping out of her comfort zone is something Hands4Hope has allowed her to do. Before volunteering, she said she couldn't approach others. "I could never walk up to a stranger and get to know them. It has made me more confident in myself."

Chieme has spent a lot of time working at many monthly outreach projects. "My favorite is the homeless outreach," she said. "I love the interaction I get to have with the people we feed. It makes giving them food and toiletries more personal."

One of the most memorable experiences for her has been the opportunity to work with WIND Youth Services. "They were all really down to earth and super kind," she said. "I think working with them made me realize that people may come from a different background than I do, but they are all people at the end of the day. They are no different than me."

Cheime says she plans on volunteering for the rest of her life. "Helping others is a feeling that you cannot replace!"

Thank you for all of your hard work, Chieme!

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