Thursday, November 29, 2012

Youth Volunteer Spotlight: Jamin

{Jamin climbing the rock wall at leadership camp}

Jamin joined Hands4Hope in 2010 while fulfilling volunteer obligations for school. Since getting involved, he is the founder of a Hands4Hope Club at Jesuit High School, where he is a junior.

When asked to describe his experience of being involved, he used the words “content” and “humbled”. “I am humbled because I have so much and yet could not see how fortunate I was until I started serving others,” he said. “I am content because there is so much joy derived from helping others.”

To help him with becoming the President and Founder of the Hands4Hope Jesuit Club, Jamin attended Leadership Retreat for 2 years with other H4H leaders. “It was a great way to further bond with the other youth leaders,” he said. “We shared ideas about what is working at different schools.”

Jamin also said joining H4H and becoming the leader he is has pushed him out of his comfort zone. “Before I joined H4H, I felt as if I was on the sidelines watching things happen,” he said. But now being a part of it, “I feel that we (the youth) are actually making a difference. Every time I volunteer for an activity, I am sure to meet different youth volunteers and as a teen, it makes me feel empowered that we are driving this,” he said.

Starting a club at Jesuit meant pushing Jamin beyond his limits. “It meant getting up in front of teen boys that knew nothing about me and sharing H4H’s vision,” he said. “Initially, it was hard as a sophomore to get up and starting talking to guys I didn’t know about joining the club. My mother encouraged me and it has gotten easier.” In just these two years, the club has grown to 19 members and it has become a recognized organization for members in their school to volunteer for. “It is rewarding to know that my hard work is paying off,” he said.

Thank you for all you do, Jamin!!
{helping register guests at the Youth Board Spaghetti Fundraiser}
{walking the tight rope at leadership camp}

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