Thursday, December 27, 2012

Spotlight: Pam Maxwell, Hands4Hope Board President

I met Jennifer Bassett when she came in to the bank to open her accounts almost 4 years ago. I was the Manager at the time and went over to introduce myself and also to ask about what the nonprofit did for the Community. Jennifer told me about the toiletries drive they had just had, and talked about the Food Blitz they were going to be involved with. I was so impressed with Jennifer and her passion, I expressed that I would be interested in learning more and getting involved. I served as the Vice Chair for about 8 months and then was asked by Jennifer if I would be the Chair of Hands4Hope.

I have served in the banking industry for 21 years and it was my first job right out of College. I am originally from Napa and am married with 2 daughters, Elise, 5 and Emma almost 3. I work at U.S. Bank and am a Vice President and Community Affairs Manager. I have always had a passion for giving back and being a part of my Community.

I truly believe that Hands4Hope is inspiring youth to make a difference in their community, while also learning about working together as a team and leadership.

I remember my first Food Blitz, I took my daughter Elise with me. She was 3 at the time and wasn't exactly sure what we were doing, but knew that we were helping collect food. All she could say was "Hands4Hope", but when she did that I would follow behind with the message that we were collecting for those in need in our community. Now she is 5 and I know Hands4Hope has made an impact on her because she understands that not everyone has what we have, food, shelter and clothing.

This year at the blanket making event she said "Are we going to make blankets for people who have to sleep outside?" I said yes and she looked forward to the evening.

Hands4Hope has made a impact on me and my family and keeps me grounded. I appreciate Jennifer starting such a wonderful organization in El Dorado County.

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