Thursday, July 21, 2011

Volunteer Spotlight: Christine Klekman

Christine Klekman started volunteering with her family and Hands4Hope shortly after the organization began. As a friend of the founder, she heard the information and jumped on board right away!

"Growing up, I watched my Dad serve his community in many different volunteer capacities, and I followed in his footsteps, and also made up my mind that my children would do the same," she said. "I have always told them that we are here on earth to help people and animals whenever we can!"

Christine believes Hands4Hope has had an "illuminating" impact on her family. "The effect on my kids has been eye-opening," she said. "I believe they now no longer feel they live in an entitled world and have realized that some people live differently than they do...and that's ok!"

Christine said her best advice to parents thinking about getting involved with the organization is to participate with them. "It's great because we get to do projects together as a family," she said. "Also, if your children see you doing something good to help someone else, they are more likely to follow in your footsteps!"

Christine said she has many great memories from Hands4Hope over the years. Her favorite has been watching her daughter become "empowered over youth leadership".

"I believe in this organization because it empowers youth to make things better in the community around them," she said. "Hands4Hope teaches them to become leaders, and to recognize that they are the future, and they can contribute to their community." 

"I am grateful and proud that Hands4Hope is a part of our lives," she said.

Christine has also been a go-to volunteer for our founder, Jennifer Basset, through the years. We are so grateful for you, Christine! Thank you!

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