Thursday, March 30, 2017

Youth Spotlight :: Kenzie Misso

Kenzie Misso, 15, is a sophomore at Oak Ridge High School and has been with Hands4Hope for 5 years.  She is currently one of the youth leaders for Team Hope (the Hands4Hope elementary school club), the chair of the Homeless Outreach Committee, and a member of the Hands4Hope Youth Board. We recently interviewed Kenzie to learn about her experiences with Hands4Hope and here’s what she had to say...

What were the reasons you joined Hands4Hope?
Initially, I joined because I was looking for opportunities to get community service hours, but I chose Hands4Hope specifically because I loved how I, as a kid, had a say in the projects we did. Now Hands4Hope is more than just community service to me, it is an organization that has taught me so much about the needs in the community and the impact that I can make in other people's lives even though I'm just a kid.

It's so great to hear youth are really engaged with our program, why did you choose to do more than just volunteer at events?

I chose to do more than just volunteer at events because I wanted to be able to further explore the needs of the community and make a bigger impact in the areas I feel passionate about. Also, I feel that the leadership experience I gain as a Hands4Hope leader will be valuable in every aspect of my life.

What opportunities/skill building do you think Hands4Hope provides you scholastically, socially, and in life?
The opportunities that Hands4Hope has given me are endless. As a kid, I was pretty shy, especially when talking to adults, but I now am confident in expressing my ideas and opinions and speaking in front of crowds. Working with Hands4Hope has also taught me so much about understanding the importance of compassion, empathy, and helping those who are in need.

Overall, what has your experience been like since joining?
My experience with Hands4Hope has been so much more valuable than I ever could have imagined. Not only have I gained skills that will help me in school, sports, and work, I have gained friendships with people who I may not even have met without Hands4Hope. I have gotten to work on projects that most teenagers would never dream of doing and have met so many inspiring people. Volunteering with Hands4Hope is such an awesome experience and has shown me how much I love to make a difference in the lives of others.

I'm so thankful to be a part of such an amazing organization and to have all the opportunities that I do. I'm so lucky to be able to work with such great people and make a difference in the lives of those in need.

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